• Pricing Field Dry Weight Content.
• Determining the Degree of Soil Density.
There are several methods used to calculate the weight of the contents of the field. Standard procedures used include:
a. Sand cone method
b. Rubber Balloon Method
c. Use of Nuclear Density Measurement.
Cone of sand (sand cone) consists of a plastic or glass bottle with a metal cone that is placed on it. Plastic bottles and cones of sand in dry Ottawa sand fill with sand, which is a standard that has a uniform gradation.
On the field made a small hole in the tube-shaped land that has been compacted. After the holes were dug, soil is weighed entirely original, with a bottle filled with sand cone placed over the hole so that it can obtain the contents of the dry weight of the compaction.
1. A set of tools sand cone.
2. Scales with 0.01 gram accuracy.
3. Cylinder of known volume.
4. Cans with lids
5. Term sliding
6. Meter.
7. Digger, shovels, spoons, screwdrivers, knives, etc.
Ottawa sand with a uniform diameter and dry.
A. Determine the weight of sand in the funnel. (Wps.cr)
1. Prepare the equipment needed, by placing the bottle and funnel.
2. Ottawa sand bottles filled to the brim, valves closed and the remaining sand is cleaned and then weighed (W1) with the funnel in place.
3. Place on a flat field with the funnel facing down.
4. The tap is opened up to sand down and fill the funnel, after full faucet is closed.
5. Bottles plus a funnel and the remaining sand and then weighed (W2)
6. Then the weight of sand in the funnel is:
7. Wps.cr = W1 - W2
B. Determine the weight of sand in the cylinder (Wps.sl)
1. After the move, place the bottle on a cylinder that has been known volemenya (with the funnel facing down)
2. The tap is opened up to sand down to fill the cylinder and funnel, when the cylinder is estimated to have been fully tap is closed.
3. Bottle and funnel along with the rest of the sand 2 is calculated (W3)
4. Then the weight of sand in the cylinder
Wps.sl = W3 - Wps.cr
C. Determining the content of the dry weight of sand. (Γps)
How to calculate the weight of the contents of dry sand is by dividing the weight of sand in a cylinder with a cylinder volume, then:
γps =
D. Determine the volume of the cylinder (Vsl)
1. Calculate the weight of the cylinder (WSL)
2. Then calculate the volume of the cylinder, by measuring the radius (D), & high (t).
3. Then the volume of the cylinder is:
Vsl = ¼. Π.D2.t
E. Determine the volume of pits (VLB)
1. Full contents of the bottle in the sand plus the funnel and then weighed (WA).
2. Prepare digger and plastic.
3. Ground surface, at a predetermined point leveled and cleared.
4. By using the mall, made a hole as deep as 10-15 cm. In accordance with the height of the cylinder used to measure the weight of the contents of dry sand (B). All soil excavation should be collected in plastic, there should not be wasted and taken care not to change their water content (plastic while closed).
5. Place the bottle over the hole with a funnel facing down. Faucet is opened up to fill holes and sand down a funnel.
6. After the sand from the bottle does not go down anymore, faucets are closed, then weighed the bottle along with the rest of the sand (WB). Meanwhile above ground the excavation immediately weighed and measured water content in the soil until the hole is known weight (W), and its water level ()
7. Obtained the weight of sand in the funnel
Wps.cr = WA - WB
8. Calculate the weight of sand in the hole
Wps.lb = WC - Wps.cr
9. Volume obtained by dividing the weight pit of sand in the sand pit and gamma
F. Determine soil moisture content pit (ω)
1. Bring on the ground that had been dug into the field laboratory
2. Take 3 small bowls of fruit and calculated weight (WC).
3. Put some soil samples dug into 3 small bowls and weigh weighing each - each (Wctb).
4. After that enter the 3 bowls which already contains the soil into the oven for ± 24 hours.
5. The next day took the cup from the oven and weigh weight (Wctk).
6. Calculate the weight of water contained in the land
Wair = Wctb - Wctk
7. Calculate the weight of dry soil excavation
WTK = Wctk - WC
8. Water content obtained by dividing the weight of water and dry soil weight multiplied by 100%
ω =
G. Determine the dry weight of the contents of the field
1. Bring the excavated soil in field and calculate the weight (Wtn.lb)
2. Calculate the height, diameter, and volume of pits.
3. Gammanya Calculate by dividing the land between the weight and volume of the hole.
γ =
4. Calculate the dry unit weight by dividing the field between the gamma and levels of water plus 1.