Preparing drawing is the common task of a civil engineer. Drawing of a building is performed after the structure design has been completed. Having the right drawing numbering technique is important in the whole building construction technique in order to get better presentation. Here they will discuss about some important guides of drawing numbering technique in civil engineering.
The first important tip is numbering by using time control. That means a project ought to have timeline in month & year about when it starts & when it stops. Such timeline is useful so you can control over your building design drawing & make it traceable. For an instance, in case you receive a project on say three June 2008, your drawing number ought to not be 30602008 but must 062008. The reason is that the first number has more chances to become complicated. As control item, you can select the year of the awarded project, 2008. In that case, your preliminary building drawing is 062008. The second advice you can take is the use of client name control. For example, if your client name is AAA Company, by combining the time & client name controls you can get a building drawing number of AAA/062008.
As addition guide, you can use engineering field control for your building design drawing. If your current project is to build a structural building, you can use the abbreviation of structural building, 'ST' for your drawing number. Therefore, your new drawing number will be AAA/062008/ST. Other abbreviations that are often used in civil engineering sectors are 'EW' for earthwork, 'WT' for water work, 'SW' for sewer work,'DR' for drainage work & more.
Structural element control can be used in numbering your building design drawing. The structural elements here include column, pad footing foundation, slab & more. For beam you can use 'BM' abbreviation, 'SB' for slab & more. If for example the beam detail is showed by your building construction drawing & it is the first drawing, then AAA/062008/ST/BM01 will be your drawing number.
The last part in drawing numbering is the drawing amendment. If on particular sheet of your building drawing there is an amendment you can use the abc notation to show every amendment available on your drawing. For example to show the first amendment to your existed number, AAA/062008/ST/02, you will use AAA/062008/ST/02a, while for the second amendment you will use AAA/062008/ST/02b. In conclusion, they can draw a formula for your drawing number as: [(client name)/(month year)/[(engineering field)/( element type)(number)(amendment).
This Editorial is about: Drawing of a building, building construction technique, civil engineering, building design drawing, building drawing, building design drawing, civil engineering, building drawing
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