It considers the variability not only in resistence but also in the effects of load.
Provides measure of safety relative.
Safety in the design is obtained by specifying that the reduced nominal strength of a designed structure is less than the effect of factored lots acting on the structure.
Ability of a structure to go through in-elastic deformation without rupture.
It is the ability to resist abrasion.
Steel Strength:
it is the ability to redistribute the load. Simple beam is determinate. Fixed beam is indeterminate by two degrees so it's redundant actions. fixed supported beam is more better as indeterminate structure can redistribute the load. When load increases support becomes plastic & it turns in to a basically supported beam. But basically supported does not go through the stage of plastic hinge they fail directly.
Ability of a structure or structural part to absorb energy.
Maximum load which an object can resist. OR it is the maximum load that the steel can resist before failure. Steel is said to be failed when it's yielded. It is thus called yield strength
It is a progressive, localized permanent destroy under fluctuating stress.
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