Monday, October 22, 2012

Supplementary Planning Building

Complement the building is a building that is created as a way of supporting irrigation. There's several buildings complement of which is building a cross. Building cross consists of several building types include:
1. Culverts
Culverts in the form of closed channels, the transition at the entrance and exit. Culverts will follow the slope of the line as possible. Culverts serve as an open channel for the building did not sink. Culverts full flow when the outlet if the water in the sink or higher and upstream culvert length. Loss of high-energy total for culvert drowning is the number of missing at the entrance, friction losses plus loss on corners sewer.
2. building Falls
Building falls can be combined with other buildings such as cribs, culverts and bridges to reduce overall costs.
3. chamfer
Flum is a sectional gutters or artificial channel in which water flows with a free surface, which is across the basin, canal, river, road or along the hillside. This building can be supported by pillars or other construction. Flem and gutters or steel and concrete used to carry a small discharge. For ducts greater use of concrete or steel gutters. Gutters that come with the transition in and out. It may take protection against scour at close distances downstream of the building, it depends on the speed and soil properties. Depending on the height loss of available energy and operational cost, Chambers cuts planned by the same broad-sectional area channel, only its dimensions as small as possible. Sometimes the gutters planned building small spillway to regulate water levels and discharge at the downstream chamfer. The building can be made of concrete or steel pipe.
4. Siphon
Siphon used to drain water passing under the road, through the river or in the exhaust duct. Flow in Siphon follow the principles of flow in the channel is closed. Between channels and Siphon on income and expenditure required matching transition. Loss of high energy Siphon covers loss due to friction, and loss on Siphon twists and water loss on the transition in and out. Siphon order to function properly, the building should not be entered into the air. Siphon mouth should be below the water level upstream and mouth Siphon in upstream and downstream order made ​​streamlines. The depth of water above the top of Siphon (water seal) and the surface of the water depends on the slope and size Siphon. Siphon can be made of steel or reinforced concrete. Siphon should be used only to carry the flow channel or channels cut across where the exhaust can not be used culverts, bridges or gutters.
5. got Tilt
In the rugged terrain in which high-energy big difference must be addressed in a short distance and tertiary channel follows the slope of the terrain, sloping gutter will be required. Got siring consists of the entry, the transition, and a normal part of me grim.
6. road Inspection
Layout also includes tertiary road planning and road inspection farmers. Operation and maintenance of channels and tertiary buildings in need of inspection road along the irrigation canal to get to the box located at the tip / downstream. Because the vehicle is in use is a bicycle or motorcycle, then the width of the inspection is taken approximately 1.5 to 2.0 m. The road inspection for tertiary canal built with thick gravel base layer and 0.20 m in order to be strong enough. Best gravel for road construction material is selected from natural alluvial river that flows in the project area. The road inspection for tertiary channels can also be constructed with a base layer of gravel and / or Class B Aggregate foundation layer thickness of 0:20 m so strong. The stones that are too large loaf or ugly graded gravel should be avoided. In flat areas or swamps high street should be taken from 0.3 to 0.5 m above the surrounding ground.

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