Monday, October 22, 2012

Types of Weirs

Waterworks was built across the river to the completeness or shunt, and are made to raise the water level with a fixed threshold so that the river water can be tapped and fed by gravity to the irrigation network. Excess water is transferred to downstream waterfall with a swimming eject in order to reduce energy.
There are 2 types or types of fixed weir sill structure of the shape are:
Fixed threshold of the straight edge to the right edge of the river means that as the threshold is a straight line connecting the two points by the river.
Threshold fixed winding like a sawtooth. This type is required when the length threshold is insufficient and usually to wide river with a small but substantial water flow. So by using this type will be obtained length threshold larger main, so we will get a large discharge capacity of devolution. Given the physical form and character hydrolysis threshold, it is advisable weir type of chainsaw is used on the channel.
In terms applied in the river must meet the following requirements:
Debit relatively stable
Do not take the form of material floating tree trunks
The effectiveness of the weir length is limited to water depths chainsaw certain.
Vertical Motion weir
This weir weir consists of a body with a low fixed threshold is equipped with doors that can be moved vertically and radially. This type has a double function, which regulate water level in relation to the dam upstream flood water levels and elevating the river water level to do with tapping water for various purposes. Field operations carried out by opening the door all at great flood or partially open door at medium and small floods. The door is fully closed at normal time, which is for the benefit of tapping the water. Weir type of motion is only distinguished from the form of doors, among others:
Sliding doors or sliding, widely used for the width and height of the openings are small and medium. Pursued the door not too heavy because it would require a larger lift equipment and expensive. Should the door fairly light but has a high stiffness that is not easily removed when shaking the dynamic force of water flow.
Radial doors, have curved doors (arc) with the arm joints door embedded in the wing walls or pillars. Construction like this is so that leaves the door lighter to removed using a cable or chain. Homing to the door can also be done with a hydraulic push and pull mechanical equipment that is embedded in the wing walls or pillars.
Rubber dam (weir Horizontal Motion)
Rubber dam has two main parts, namely:
The body is made of rubber dam
Shaped concrete foundation slab concrete as a rubber tube holder and include a control room with some equipment (machines) to control expands and mengempisnya rubber tube.
This dam serves raise water levels by body swell dam and lower the water by means shrunken. Weir body made of rubber tubes can be filled with air or water. The process of filling the air or water from the air or the water pump is equipped with a control instrument air or water (manometer).
Weir Bottom Sieve
This form of the weir spillway weir equipped with fishing line and filter. This weir water passed through the filter to make the water tank in the form of fishing line across the river and the water flow to the river to take to the irrigation network.
Field operations performed by allowing sediment and rock jumped over the weir, the water was expected to enter the fishing line. High sediment deposited on the sand catcher channels that periodically washed into a river again.

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